Wet Basement Services Solutions

Basement Waterproofing

Leaking and flooding basements can be a significant hassle and may result in costly home repairs. Our system offers an effective and affordable solution to manage water intrusion while safeguarding your home from potential health risks associated with mold growth. Don’t take chances—protect your home.
Mold Control

Mold spores are present throughout our environment. When moisture and oxygen are available, these spores can invade and break down organic materials. Various components of your home, such as insulation, carpet, wood, and drywall paper, are vulnerable to mold damage.

Common Wet Basement Services Solutions


Interior Waterproofing

Our interior waterproofing systems effectively capture water from the lower soil levels beneath your home and divert it outside before it can infiltrate your living space.


Exterior Waterproofing

Our exterior French drain waterproofing systems are designed to capture water from the lower soil levels under your home. They are combined with vertical drain mat membranes to protect your foundation walls.


Downspout Drainage

We remove outdated downspout drainage pipes, reroute new drainage trenches, and install new Schedule 40 PVC pipes and connectors, ensuring a proper connection from the new downspout drain to your gutters and downspouts.


Camera Scoping

Camera scoping is an effective method for identifying issues within your existing drains, provided there is clean-out access available. This process offers peace of mind and provides clearer direction for a permanent solution.


Mold Control

Mold control is a step by step system that can include mold testing, mold removal and mold remediation in your basement. Common problem areas are on drywall, baseboards and flooring.


Mold Testing

Reliable testing performed by IEP's (Interior Environmental Professionals) using multiple methods such as air samples and swab samples which are sent to independent labs for analysis.


Mold Removal

This is the most pivotal step in the mold remediation process. The act of physically  removing materials which have been contaminated with mold sounds simple enough. However, great care and attention must be paid to prevent cross contamination into the unaffected areas of the home. The use of specialized equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), detailed bagging/cleaning procedures, and proper encapsulation can be necessary to achieve a successful result. Make sure to consult our experts at Wet Basement Services for your mold removal needs.


Mold Remediation

A reliable multi step process to treat Water Damaged Buildings (WDB’s). This involves identifying, isolating, removing, and cleaning with sprays/ mists/ scrubs/ mold resistant coatings.